Club Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 931 third street in La Salle,IL. at 7:00 PM. At the meetings we have tables set up for exhibiting member’s finds of the month.
We have a display area setup to display the member’s finds for the month.Categories include Best Coin, Oldest Coin, Foreign Coin, Jewelry, Tokens, Relics and other categories. Each attending member will then vote for the best find of the month in each category and points are awarded to the member that found the item. Prizes are awarded at the end of the year.
In addition to all of the great sharing of information, there are two fun events that happen during the meetings . The first is the the attendance lottery. When members sign the attendance roster they get a number based on the list. We then have a random drawing and interesting prizes are awarded. We also have a raffle during each meeting. Members can buy tickets and then a random drawing occurs. Again many interesting prizes are awarded. Guests are always welcome.
Club Hunts are a members only event held twice a month. Our club members select a location(s) and the appropriate permissions are gotten for the location. IVHRRA members gather at a designated spot and are briefed about the hunt and any restrictions, then disperse into the field to look for coins and other relics or artifacts. The hunt lasts a predetermined amount of time and then the members return to the meeting spot to share their finds and stories. As members of the Illinois Valley Historical Research and Recovery Association, we abide and practice the Code of Ethics of metal detecting.
Annual Club Raffle the Annual Raffle is our main fund raiser for the club. All proceeds will be used to fund club activities.
Christmas Party The Christmas Party is held on the second Monday of December.The Club members Dinner is paid for by the Club with games , fun and prizes to follow !