Membership Form Downloadable pdf:IVHRRA Membership Form |
Membership in Illinois Valley Historical Research and Recovery Association is open to anyone regardless of nationality, race, sex, creed or religious beliefs, who has an interest in treasure hunting and agrees to abide by the club by-laws and the FMDAC Code of Ethics.
Membership is on an annual basis, renewable in January of each year. There are two levels of memberships.
Active Member $30.00 per year. Any person 18 years of age or older on January 1.
Family Membership … $36 per year. This membership includes the spouse, and children under 18. Family members receive voting rights in club matters, and are eligible for club sponsored hunts.
This money is used to support the club activities.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip : ________________________________________________
Evening Telephone : _____________________________________________
Cell Phone :______________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
Manufacturer of Metal Detector(s) Owned:
[] $30.00 [] $36.00
Date joined: ________________________________
IVHRRA member ID# : ________________________
Please Print, Fill it out and bring to the monthly meeting.
Downloadable pdf: IVHRRA Membership Form